Friday, January 14, 2011

Delurking day

So I heard that today was delurking day. I don't have a whole lot for you since I got hit with some nasty bug that M decided to share, with it there has been just enough food preparation to keep the children alive, Hubby can fend for himself, so it may be a few days before I am back to my normal self again who thinks food actually looks enticing. At this point I have eaten a box or so of crackers and boy those are going to be a pain to try to work off.  I really need to teach the boys that sharing is not nice and very over-rated when it some to an illness. They just haven't got it yet, so I will have to keep working on it. 

I will be back with yummy things next week, also I am working on something special for you too, you are really going to like it. Until then though, if you visit, but don't comment this is your chance to say Hi.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, you already know I comment but just wanted to say hope you have a nice weekend and feel better soon :) It's a 3 day holiday weekend here for us.


Thanks for stopping by!