Sunday, May 2, 2010

An update on.....well everything.

1. Lent. Easter was almost a month ago now, and I never gave you the update on Lent. Well I made it!! Woohoo!! 40 days without chocolate. At first I thought it just might kill me, not because I have to eat chocolate everyday but just because I knew it was something that I couldn't have, you know you always want what you can't have thing. I made it and it was great. The best part was that by giving up chocolate I was able to lose another 2-3 pounds. That was exciting in itself, now it is back though I am calling it my chocolate weight. Which is still okay...though I would prefer it leave.

2. Running. I have been running now for a year and I love it. Which is funny since I never thought I would. Though I have been having a few issues lately so I have been alternating between the elliptical and running. Today is a beautiful morning so I am off for a run, I hope it goes well.

3. Weight Loss. Well I already said that I lost those last 2-3 pounds then now they are back. I am still trying (not hard) to lose those them again, but it is more for vanity than for anything else. I am now 115/116 most days and a xs/2 so I figure I am doing pretty good these days. I have now been maintaining the teens for 8 months and even though it has been that long I am still fearful that it will all come back.

4. House. We got almost all the molding for the floor done saturday. We still have one piece left but he has to make it so it will be installed next weekend. It looks fabulous and I am planning on posting some pictures soon....I just want to get everything clean and sparkly first.

5. Yard. I am loving my yard, the one wonderful thing about buying my parents home is that my mother is a wonderful gardener and the house is already landscaped and ready to go. I added a few of my plants when we moved but not many and now all I need to do is to keep up on the will be a never ending job.

6. Sis. She and D and great. Sis is a great mommy and D is just the cutest little thing. She is going back to work early than originally planned so D will be coming to my house at the end of the month. It will be interesting having an infant back in the house again, but for the time it will only be for 1-2 days a week so I can plan my weeks and outings around that.

7. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been 115 since I was 25, but that's okay and good for you!! I tried running a little during my 3 mile walks, which I'm at over 2 years now - but running just is not for me, so walking will have to suffice. :)

    Sounds like your house is coming along well - I'll bet it's great to be settled in now and enjoying your yard. That's the favorite part of my house, I do believe - the yard and the gardens.

    I love #7. :)


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