Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jellos....and more.

I just have to share..... we have been getting the cuties from the grocery store, the boys love them and they are a great healthy treat. M has been calling them jellos. I'm not sure why, every time he says it I tell him they are oranges and make him repeat after me, but then he walks away with his goods, and says "thank you for the jellos". He kills me every time!

Another good thing about orange season is you can make your own potpourri by putting the peels in a small sauce pan, covering them with water, add a cinnamon stick, a few whole cloves and a couple of allspice berries, it will make your kitchen smell heavenly.

1 comment:

  1. We love those Clementine oranges. :)

    Thanks for the idea of the peels/potpourri!


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